The private stories of Btattooedangelxxx is the best way to get access to my hottest, newest, rawest content! Follow my naughty day-to-day life and enjoy every fun, crazy, awesome and hot story I upload to my premium accounts and you'll love the personal relationship we'll have once you sign up you can also get to know me on a much more personal level with upgrading further to one of my packages where you get my phone number for messaging! I am a real life submissive who loves to please my master but I also love to switch and become the mistress.
I do have multiple accounts (GET CHECKING THESE OUT IN MY LINKS SECTION!!!!) as these accounts I do have available multiple pagkage's to suit you and these can be customised;
*My Girlfriend package
*My Submissive package (where i am your submissive and you're my master for the month)
*My Mistress package (where you are my submissive and I your master for the whole month)
*My Daddy-Dom package (Where you become my sugar-daddy for the whole month and you get to treat me and you get treats back too)
So daddy what are you waiting for? xxx