Hey Baka~♡ I'm Pie and I'm a cute, crafty, and kinky cam girl and porn star~! I love hentai, butt stuff, and ahegao and have the most adorable moans you've ever heard~! ♡
Wanna know more~? Here's what you'll see in my story~! ♡
~Porn Filming BTS
~Exclusive xplicit video previews
~Pics of my beautiful cat, Meli, and my pussy ;)
~Pics of new sexy outfits and cosplays
~Exclusive self-shot videos!!! ♡
~Screen-shots and recordings? YES! Save me for later~! UwU~♡
~Send me pictures of your pets being cute? YES!
~Let me steal your girlfriend? MANDATORY ♡♡♡♡
Not Allowed~♡ (ZERO TOLERANCE, If ya' do )
~Dick Pics. I'm gay, I don't like 'em~! :(
~Harassment :(
~Dirty talk in chat :( FAQ type questions or suggestions are fine! I'll even have special events like nude AMA's! I have free chat in my discord and my cam room so join me there if you want to get me chattin' ;)