Today I made myself comfortable on the sofa and hoped for a horny massage with lots of oil. Only unfortunately no one is there who could massage me so it remains probably on myself. I slowly start to massage my plump tits gently with the good smelling massage oil. Ohh the touches feel just too good on my skin. Quite with pleasure I spoil my body with a soothing and relaxing massage. My skin shines so beautifully from the oil. I notice how the massage alone is not enough for me, today I need the full relaxation. I get my massage wand and gently place it against my sensitive clit. Wow! It just feels too horny! I feel the vibrations on my soft skin and it does not take long until my whole body quivers! FUCK I'm about to come! Let's come to orgasm together. I count down from 10.. Can we make it together? Kisses, Maja π
PS: Sorry for the double moanπ€
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